Application Guidelines
Individuals who wish to engage in non-medical research using human subjects, either within the MCC community or in the larger community, that would involve identification of the participants and/or the use of private information about the subjects, must request review and approval through the Monroe Community College Institutional Review Board (IRB). This policy also applies to MCC students conducting research studies, either within the college or in the larger community, under the supervision of a college faculty member. Non-college employees who wish to use MCC students or staff for human subject research must also apply for research approval through the College IRB. Individuals requesting approval for research studies involving human subjects must complete and submit an application to Carolyn Hunt, Director of MCC’s Grants Office, or William Dixon, IRB Chair.
Each study involving different subjects or subsequent studies involving new information with original subjects must have separate approval. Depending on the nature of your research, participants may be required to sign an informed consent form.
The IRB maintains the discretion to waive the consent form requirement if the form itself is the only record linking the subject to the research. To ensure that all subjects understand the nature of the research, the informed consent form must include a reasonable description of the nature of the research being conducted, the purpose of the research, and the proposed use of the research data, including any proposed publication. In addition, the form must state that participation is voluntary and that refusal to participate will not result in a penalty or loss of benefits to the subject (see Consent Form Checklist and Student, General, Exempt and Expedited Consent forms on the IRB webpage).
To initiate the IRB process, the investigator must submit the following materials to Carolyn Hunt or William Dixon:
- A completed IRB Application Form
- A completed research form* (depending on the category of your research)
- Completion of the Consent Form Checklist (if consent is necessary)
- A copy of the Consent Form to be provided to participants (if consent is necessary)
* If your research is of minimal risk, you will complete an MCC Exempt Form or Expedited Form. The first page of the Exempt and Expedited forms has clear federal regulatory language which defines exempt and expedited research.
If the study is determined to be greater than minimal risk, no extra form needs to be completed but it will require full board review. If you are unsure about which category applies to your study, please email William Dixon (
For questions, please contact Carolyn Hunt ( at (585) 685-6237 or William Dixon ( at (585) 292-3031.
Location & Contacts
Carolyn W. Hunt, MBA, APR, CFRE
Director of Strategic Resource Development & Grant Management
IRB Administrator
Perkins Grant Officer
Downtown Campus, 32-772
321 State Street
Rochester, NY 14608
(585) 685-6012